| Dissertação
Caracterização demográfica de tartaruga tigre-d’água Trachemys dorbigni (testudines, emydidae) em um ambiente urbano de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
Bossle, Carolina Marques Barboza
This study presents data about abundance and population structure as well sexual dimorphism to the population of Trachemys dorbigni from “Lago dos Pedalinhos”, an urban lake from the city of Porto Alegre – Brazil. The captures
and data collection were conduced weekly, between May and December 2009. All the captured specimens were weighed, sexed (whenever was possible) and marked with a number
of identification. In order to evaluate the differences in size between sexes nine body measurements were taken from adult males and females. After completed the procedure, all
individuals captured were released in the same place that they were caught. The sex ratio was calculated by the division between the total number of males and females.