O desenvolvimento de líderes globais em unidades internacionais da indústria gaúcha: Uma abordagem inspirada nos estudos de competências e Global Mindset
Fernandes, Otávio Gonzatti
In the light of theoretical complementarity between skills and Global Mindset, this work seeks greater specificity in the capabilities which guide the development of global leader, through cultural and strategic character influences. This way, findings emerge conducting to the necessity of weighting in the settings of capabilities of the three capitals in the Global Mindset concept: intellectual, social and psychological which, in turn, they influence in the development of global leader, non-generic, but adjustable for certain globalized organizational context. In a first view, it can be identified the conditions which determine adhesion of the global leader skills for a certain organizational context, from the display of motivations for organization, in form of strategic choices in the globalization, together with the aspects which characterize an acceptable cultural leadership in certain cultural societies (VRIES 2010; JAVIDAN, 2008; BEECHLER; JAVIDAN, 2007; JAVIDAN; HITT; STEERS, 2007; GARRIDO; LARENTIS; ROSSI, 2006; PRAHALAD; HAMEL, 2005; DUTRA, 2004; ZARIFIAN, 2001). In a second view, the dynamic of adjustment of leader skills is analyzed, in the respective organizational context throughout the time, since before of assuming the position of global leader, until it is reached the total domain of influence and delivery of results in its new organizational context (VIANNA; SOUZA, 2009; EARLEY; MURNIEKS; MOSAKOWSKI, 2007; HARRIS, 2004; BLACK; MENDENHALL, 1991; 1990; HOFSTEDE, 1991; SURDAM; COLLINS, 1984; BANDURA, 1977). Therefore, the work advances in the building of logic of setting of capabilities, in which the management of skills gives dynamism to the three capital of Global Mindset of global leader, admitting variations of importance and the calibration of these capabilities in different periods of the process of adjustment and in different organizational contexts of internationalization. Among the main findings about the variations in the Global Mindset setting, in three internationalized companies in Gaucha industry, there are some aspects such as: amplitude and complexity of the chain of the internationalized unit value; intensity of tendencies which affects the stability of the sector and its markets; besides the maturity and updating of processes of international management of people. When it’s observed the cultural and strategic influences of context, it’s clear that the duality structure-adjustment in the model of management of units interfere in the leader’s profile. Some common predominance is found and distinguished in researched organization from its strategic setting and its management model. Evidences point to insufficiency in the theoretical model of acceptable cultural leadership, with the extensive richness non-covered of specificities which identify the cultures. The Gaucha industrial companies show predominance of manufacturing areas as the source of their global leaders, which tend to dominate technical management processes, with major challenges in the behavioral and cultural aspects. On the adjustment of global leader, it is observed that different strategies in different cultures require different prevalence in capitals of Global Mindset of global leaders, and these, in turn, have different rates of adjustment to the scope of the domain their organizational contexts.