Análise local da altitude ortométrica obtida através de posicionamento relativo e a altitude nivelada
Trescastro, Fabrício Pacheco
This study aims to evaluate, in the city of Porto Alegre, the use of different leveling techniques. We were used to study the twenty-six points purposes busy with dual frequency GNSS receivers (L1 / L2) and level geometrically, the data were obtained during the year 2015. The points were processed considering two alternatives, ALTERNATIVE 1: Relative Positioning using as a basis a point defined by static positioning, adjusted to RBMC; ALTERNATIVE 2: Relative Positioning using as a base the POAL station RBMC. With possession of the geoid undulation, obtained by MAPGEO2010, the orthometric height thereof was set, this elevation was compared statistically to the level elevation concluded that when using a RBMC station to the data processing results are better, ie data from ALTERNATIVE 2 was the best result.