A dialética das experiências escolares na emergência da prática de ocupar e resistir
Borges, Scarlett Giovana
The Student Sit-in Movement constitutes a form of resistance to the changes caused by the governments in the Education Policy grounded in macro-economic interests. The movement points out the precarious conditions of schools and teaching systems, by using the tactic of staging sit-ins as a way of making students be heard, who, as adolescents, have a limited space for political participation which is reduced in the contemporary social organization. The Student Sit-in Movement constitutes the field of study of this research which has as the thematic delimitation the experience of staging sit-ins in four schools, in the city of Caxias do Sul, between May and June of 2016. The movement lasted from 2015 to 2016, in Brazil, having been initiated by elementary and high school students, and it was known as the High School Sit-in Movement, having the participation of students from universities and federal institutes as a front to fight against MP 746/2016, which defines the reform of secondary education, and PEC 241/2016, of the freezing of investment in social policies, for 20 years. In order to base the approach of the subject we conducted a research on The State of The Art, in which we systemized the productions of theses and dissertations about the Student Participation and the Student Movement, and also articles that are specifically about the Student Sit-in Movement. We put in question that the High School Sit-in Movement emerged as a consequence of the dialectic of the everyday school experiences and through the influence of contemporary protests which configure new forms of acting for hybridism between the cyberspace and the urban space, thus, we inquired into the modifications in the experience of schooling of the students who participated in the movement. With this, we identify and reflect on the contradictions of the everyday schooling experience and changes that the experience of the sit-ins may have caused in the social awareness of the students regarding education. The sources of the research are composed of four semi-structured interviews, with a student from each school being studied, also postages from the virtual social media Facebook, and reports about the subject. Through the analysis of the research sources we learned that the experience of sit-ins was powerful regarding political learning, mainly about the several ways in which the democratic participation may be characterized. Thus, we concluded that the High School Sit-in Movement meant for the students a reconfiguration in the way they can experience education and school relations.