A cultura dos sujeitos comunicantes surdos: construções da cidadania comunicativa e comunicacional digital no facebook
Claudio, Janaína Pereira
The present study seeks to understand the digital communication processes in use and the appropriation of the media, specifically, the social network Facebook, by deaf interconnecting. The research is based on theoretical arguments that work the concepts of culture (CORTINA, 2005), deaf culture (STROBEL, 2013) cyberculture (LEMOS, 2013), communicative citizenship (CORTINA, 2005), community (BAUMAN, 2003), globalization (GARCÍA CANCLINI, 2007), mediation (WOTTRICH, SILVA and RONSINI, 2009), mediatization (MALDONADO, 2002) and globalization (ORTIZ, 2003). To develop investigative practices about the uses of media and Facebook by deaf interconnecting, chosen the methodological approach cited by Maldonado (2012) from an ethnographic perspective (HINE, 2004), structured in technical combinations like archival material analysis in digital environments, which are the result of a systematic observation; proceedings of questionnaires application: thematic blocks and ethnographic interviews, with reports of life trajectories of the four deaf interviewees that record experiences and digital territorial displacements and new forms of communication in deaf communities in Brazil. Through the analysis of media historical trajectories, signaled by deaf interconnecting on issues that express their cultural constructs and citizenship practices, we design the main communicational appropriations of these subjects in their relationship with the media. The survey results show that the deaf interconnecting lives and gives importance to his communicational and informational need to solve their personal and professional daily practices. The results also indicate that the domain and the practice of their natural language are relevant exercises of deaf communicative citizenship, which represents an important communicative and cultural contribution to the deaf citizens in their media life ways. In this way, the interactions and digital experiences establish different processes and connections, which link to the deaf culture, the language of the deaf, the deaf community and the society.