Cenários de dança na rua
Padilha, Izabela Garcia
This work presents a theoretical, methodological and practical elaboration situated in the fields of art and design. The concept of building scenarios, very dear to strategic design for sociocultural innovation, is approached from an aesthetic and cultural perspective. This perspective aims to bring to design a logic based on sensitivity and imagination. Understanding that strategic design is an area that receives incentives from the most different areas and schools of thought, the concept of carnivalization (BAKTIHN, 1999) and imagination (BACHELARD, 2000) is added to the strategic design methodology. This theoretical development brings to the field of design and project thinking a phenomenological perspective of image and imagination. Therefore, the concept of carnivalization was outlined in an aggregating way, by bringing to design the most different examples of cultural and artistic expressions that have a carnivalesque vision of life. This concept is organically present in the most different cultural manifestations, specially in Brazilian culture, and is capable of incorporating and renewing the elements provided by other cultures. In this way, expressionist dance and the work of choreographer Pina Bausch are brought in as a procedural inspiration to be reinterpreted and renewed by design and Brazilian culture. Furthermore, the art of dance is situated as a theoretical and methodological object of research, while dance is also an object of study. Creating a methodology to imagine scenarios for dance on the street is the main goal of this work. Therefore, after theoretical articulation, the “Experiência Dança NA Rua” (Dance ON Street Experience), is presented, which integrates the elements of the methodology to create new projects for dance performances in the city's streets.