A educomunicação cooperativa e o novo senso comum emancipatório: um estudo exploratório a partir do programa "a união faz a vida"
Johann, Joni Josselito
This study explores like the different inter-relations between the fields of knowledge of the communication and of the education, which are shaped in so called a field of the educommunicacion, can favor the process of cooperative education, promoting the development of the cooperativism and of the philosophy of the cooperation. Boarding sociologically these inter-relations, one intends to contribute in the construction of an ideas of formation educommunicative cooperative against-hegemonic and emancipation mean, based, principally, on the ideas of the Portuguese sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos. For so much, there is explored empirically the program “The Union Do the Life” of the system Sicredi of cooperative credit. The principal results point to the ignorance about the sphere educommunicative for part of the actors wrapped in the program, though in this there are experiences you were fitting how educommunicatives; there detaches, also, the educommunicacion as a useful field of investigation and produc