Cooperação entre Universidade, governo e empresa: o caso HT Micron
Bortolaso, Ingridi Vargas
Collaboration amongst university-government-industry (U-G-I) contributes to the development of infant industries. When it comes to industries of high technological complexity, such as segment of semiconductor, this cooperation becomes essential for their success. In order to enlarge our understanding involving the cooperation between university-government-firm in the semiconductor industry and, particularly, how the resources shared by them contribute to the development of the semiconductor industry, this dissertation tries to understand the resources of university, government and firm. This is because such cooperation may be closely related to the resources provided by each organization. In addition to the resources of each of the organizations involved, we also have identified relational actions developed between U-G-I and resulting resources of such actions. An application of the key concepts of the resource-based view, aligned with the relational view, contributed to the understanding of this cooperation. The research strategy used is the case study with embedded units only. Thus, we collected data involving multiple sources of information, such as semi-structured interviews, audiovisual material, organizations’ documents and reports. The analysis of the case study allowed generating research propositions and elaborating a conceptual framework with critical elements necessary to the establishing cooperation amongst U-G-I. As critical elements, we found internal resources of the organizations, resources shared at the cooperation, relation as resource, entrepreneurial direction of the university, the position of the government as a key actor of the cooperation, and the stocks of latent capacities in the organizations, which are essential to establish cooperation. The present study also presents the practical and theoretical implications involved in the process of cooperation studied and makes some recommendations for continuing this study.