Cortando as asas do nazismo: representações e imaginário sobre o nazismo na revista Vida Policial (1942-1944)
Weizenmann, Tiago
As a mass comunication, the magazine “Vida Policial” (police life) constituted an important instrument of the Central Police Department for the ideological and authoritarian consolidation of the Estado Novo (New State) in Rio Grande do Sul, determining, among other objectivs, the social individuals' actions against supposed enemies that represented plausible threats to authorities’ eyes. The aim of this work is to analyze the applied elements to the construction of symbolic ways in social and political representations present in the social imaginary of the Estado Novo, built from the police’s rhetoric, between the years of 1942 and 1944, period when the series Cortando as asas do nazismo (Cutting the Nazism`s wings) and Os Astros da Quinta-Coluna (The Fifht-column`s Stars) were edited. The analysis of different texts in the police magazine, as articles, police’s series, clusters and images, intends to understand the dynamics of the representations and the imaginary about the Nazism, especially built by the m