Redes de palavras-chave para artigos de divulgação científica da medicina: uma proposta à luz da terminologia
Santiago, Márcio Sales
This research paper aims to propose a framework for the construction of key-word networks for Medicine articles of scientific popularization. The lack of virtual informative networks in Brazil has motivated us to develop this work with the terminology of Medicine. Our main interest is focused on the importance of building informative systems which allow for the bridging between technical-scientific and sociolinguistic terms, considering the diversity which the latter presents. Bridging this gap involves improving the level of informativity for the lay public who use the Brazilian ABC da Saúde site to search for specialized knowledge in the medical area. The study is based on the theoretical assumptions of Socioterminology, Communicative Theory of Terminology and Documentation. The corpus used in this research contains Medicine articles of scientific popularization extracted from the site with the aid of a tool called Corpógrafo. The data was stored in specific records disposed in a Microsoft Access database,