Povoadores do rio Jauru: arqueologia pré-colonial e fronteira no povoamento do extremos oeste brasileiro
Pestana, Marlon Borges
The study area extends over 16.0 km from 21L 0323756E 8298272N 8307359N 0317212E up to 21L 0317212E 8307359N. The environment is closed, bounded on the south by biome Pantanal, to the north by Amazon. In the research area there are three types of characteristic vegetation: alluvial forest in Psament, the floodplain, dense wooded savanna or cerrado, red - Ultisol in fluvial terrace and open wooded savanna or cerrado grassland in gallery in podzolic soil with the presence of a horizon of gravel at about 0.60 m depth in the hillside. The study of 34 ceramic sites points to three ways of implementation: the predominant is on the edge of the river terrace, far between 30.0 and 80.0 m from the river, with 40.0 to 65.0 m in size, thickness stratigraphic between 20.0 cm and 40.0 and 5.0 at 10.0 cm below the surface; the 2nd is in the flood plain, between 20.0 and 45.0 m away from the waterline, with 20.0 to 45.0 m in size, an archaeological layer varying between 20.0 and 60.0 cm , from 10.0 to 20.0 inches from the surface; and 3rd, the hillside away between 120.0 and 340.0 m from the bank of the river Jauru, with 10.0 15.0 m in length predominantly superficial, possibly with an archaeological layer between 5.0 and 10,0 cm from the surface. The result of the analysis of the material and the deployment of sites indicates that different types of sites represent different cultures; it was compared with the cultures of the proposed area potters in previous papers related to Uru tradition, characteristic of savannas of central Brazil, the tradition Descalvado characteristic of the northern edge of the Pantanal and Descalvado/Pantanal wetland environment characteristic of tradition. This study attempts to make a contribution to an environmental area today and socially border, proving that archaeological past she would have the same feature. Watching the settlement by growers is possible to separate clearly two systems of settlement. Both occupied the various environments available, but differently. The environment Cerrado, Pantanal and the Amazon between, offering a combination of climate, soil and vegetation that produces favorable to the establishment of populations that carry crops in more wooded areas along the river or in isolated patches of forest area, while in exploiting the abundant resources of the Cerrado. The system uses tempered pottery with sand is similar to the occupation called by various researchers in Descalvado tradition. The system uses tempered pottery with cariapé is similar to the occupation called by various researchers in Uru tradition. The Descalvado tradition is often attributed to groups of Arawak linguistic family. The Uru tradition is often attributed to groups of Macro-Jê linguistic family.