Openmid: um middleware android para bancos de dados móveis
Duarte Júnior, Luiz Fernando
The mobile computing advances made possible to tablets and smartphones act like work environment extensions, using softwares that connect to ERPs, CRMs and generally have to deal with big databases. PROBLEM: The mobile applications development that have to access remote DBMSs show many challenges to the mobile developers, once that it depends of the device limited resources, mobile data network that isn't cover all the regions and about an architectural change in the application, because the mobile connections are unstable. SOLUTION: Because of these problems, was developed a middleware prototype for remote DBMS mobile access, that will intermediate requests and responses between the mobile platform and the DBMS. PROPOSED METHOD: This paper details the comparative study between the middleware prototype for remote DBMS mobile access and the mainstream solutions in the market that have support to the Android platform. CONCLUSION: From the prototype development and comparative study analysis, the results incentive the use of him, as future studies on this platform.