Tratamento de lixiviado de aterro sanitário por contactor biológico rotatório (CBR) visando à remoção de nitrogênio
Kimura, Maura Sayuri Rodri
The leachate generated in landfills is characterized by high levels of recalcitrant organic compounds and nutrients with high polluter potential. Several alternatives for the treatment of landfill leachate (LL) have been widely studied and presented good results regarding the removal of biodegradable organic matter, however, most of these systems do not reach the standards of environmental disposal of nutrients such as nitrogen compounds. Owing to promote an appropriate treatment to the leachate and minimize the environmental impacts caused by this effluent, this work studied the application of a 3 stage rotating biological contactor (RBC) in a pilot scale. The objective of this study was to evaluate the removal of nitrogen and overall performance of the RBC and check the relationship of this removal with other parameters such as the HRT, C/N ratio, ammonium and COD loads and removal of organic compounds. The experimental system was fed continuously with leachate from São Leopoldo landfill. No adjustments of pH and temperature were made. The first 8 weeks the system was operated applying an HRT of 15 h (1st period) and for the 8 subsequent weeks with HRT of 24h (2nd period). As a result, it was observed that the oxidation of ammonium nitrogen reached 94% in the 2nd period of operation which was greater than the 1st period which obtained approximately 49% of ammonium nitrogen oxidation. Low levels of organic compounds removal were obtained, however an improvement was observed in the organics removal efficiency in the 2nd period of operation. This improvement in overall efficiency of the system in the 2nd period was due to the increase of the HRT. Regarding the evaluation of nitrification in the system, in 2nd period of operation was observed the accumulation of nitrite in the system, while the concentration of nitrate in the final effluent was practically non-existent, ranging from 13 to 31 mg/L. For the conditions evaluated in this study, the conclusion was that the experimental RBC has the potential to carry out the nitrification and the removal of nitrogen compounds in the landfill leachate. Meanwhile, the operational conditions must be re-studied to allow the total nitrification and not only the formation of nitrite, as well as provide the removal of carbonaceous organic compounds. The HRT of 24h provided an improvement on removal efficiencies by the system. However, for a better performance of the RBC, investigations are necessary concerning adjustments in the operational parameters that increase efficiency of nitrification and removal of organic matter.