Responsabilidade socioambiental: compromisso e desafio para o Sagrado – Rede de Educação
Ravazzoli, Maria Vilma
Human and environmental degradation occur simultaneously, and research points to this problem being present throughout the planet, drawing attention to the need to adopt social and environmental responsibility actions, at both personal and corporate levels. Educational organizations are, in essence, committed to education for social and environmental responsibility, but they do not always demonstrate this through effective communication tools for society. At the educational branches of SAGRADO – Rede de Educação, there are several actions of socio-environmental responsibility, which are not anchored in a common Program. For this reason, the objective of this research was to develop a Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility Program for SAGRADO – Rede de Educação. The theoretical framework of this research deals with the themes of corporate governance, socioenvironmental responsibility, corporate essence of educational institutions, educational management and management and charisma. As for the methodology, a qualitative approach was chosen. The case study was used as a procedure and, for data collection, documentary research and questionnaires were used. The questionnaires were applied at the Head Office and schools of SAGRADO – Rede de Educação. In the analysis it was found that there was a significant convergence related to the actions and the proposed suggestions, which made it possible to identify elements to support the Program's principles and objectives. From the data analysis, the Program was elaborated, with the following structure: principles, objectives, thematic axes with their respective actions, communication and evaluation. The proposed Social and Environmental Responsibility Program seeks to solidify and point out alternatives for the practice of social and environmental responsibility in an articulated manner in the school branches of SAGRADO – Rede de Educação.