O ciberacontecimento breaking news: uma proposta teórico-metodológica para a compreensão de notícias urgentes
Osório, Moreno Cruz
This doctoral thesis develops the cyberevent breaking news, a theoretical-methodological proposal that aims to understand the breaking news in contemporary Journalism performed in digital networks. The expression breaking news here is understood as an intensification of the relationship between the substantive categories of the news values originated from the events’ levels of extraordinariness and the journalistic routine as a key procedure for performing the journalistic work. Knowing that the capacity to impose journalistic determinism to phenomena is one of the characteristics that distinguishes professional journalistic work, it is based on the assumption that, nowadays, this ability has intricate boundaries, since it is known that its practice is open to influences of a complex, networked, decentralized, accelerated, fluid media ecosystem that is characterized by the multiplication of the number of actors able to build the social reality. Taking the concept of cyberevent as starting point, the cyberevent breaking news builds the mentioned intensification theoretically, offering possibilities to approach it empirically. This construction is splited in two movements. The first one develops the theoretical-methodological proposal itself. It does this by creating interfaces with the Actor-Network Theory (ANT), with the Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of rhizome, with the cartography method and with content curation practice. The goal is to architect the anatomy and dynamics of the evenemential process of an extraordinary event when it happens in a network. The second one quests subsidies to sustain the cyberevent breaking news in the recent journalism theory. For this, 75 articles published over a period of ten years (2007-2016) in the journals Journalism, Journalism Practice and Digital Journalism are analyzed. This analysis traces an evolution of the expression "breaking news" in the contemporaneity observing the discussions that appears in its orbit. Such discussions feed and contextualize the characteristics of the cyberevent breaking news developed in the first effort. The understanding of the breaking news developed in this thesis suggests a process of dispersion and reconcentration of journalistic practices, in a movement that indicates the expansion of the journalism boundaries.