A inteligência cultural na construção de joint ventures de países emergentes em setores de alta tecnologia: o caso HT Micron
Hommerding, Thiago Alberto
The present study aimed to understand the use of cultural intelligence in international joint ventures in high-technology sectors, taking as case study the HT Micron, which was born from the union of the Brazilian Parit Group and South Korean Hana Micron to understand the steps performed to consolidate the business. The use of cultural intelligence still a challenge for many people and companies, as well as being an area little known in academy, as pointed Livermore (2010), with a wide field of research to be explored and developed. In this research was tried to provide a sequence of information about the company, assessing the cultural aspects involved in intercultural management and cultural intelligence, more visualized through the Brazilian side of the joint venture. Based on the theoretical reasons, performed through a literature research related to the subject, was created an exploratory case study, conducting interviews and personal visits to different areas of the company and people who were involved in the creation of the company, developing a content analysis. The theses contextualizes the semiconductor area, identifies the cultural aspects of the realization of the joint venture, shows how is the HT Micron in intercultural management and use of cultural intelligence, and suggest a set of recommendations in the area of cultural intelligence for international joint ventures as the HT Micron. As a result of the research can be seen that the company had sporadic actions in the cultural development, featuring a low utilization of the principles of cultural intelligence in the shaping of the joint venture, which could be better explored in the day-by-day operation.