As representações de educação básica na Revista Vozes durante a ditadura civil-militar brasileira (1964-1985)
Pasinato, Darciel
The present study has as object of analysis the representations of Basic Education present in the Vozes Magazine during the Brazilian Civil-Military Dictatorship between 1964 and 1985. The choice of this form to analyze this theme is justified by the long period that includes the publication of the Magazine in an uninterrupted manner. The newspaper played an important role throughout the History of Brazilian Education, since it has always been positioned on various current issues, especially the themes related to Education. The research is based on the assumptions of Cultural History, and operates with the concepts of representation and practice in the perspective of Roger Chartier. The newspaper went through several phases, as well as its editors, also left their marks. In the process of analyzing these documents, constructed the following categories to analyze Basic Education: Catholic School; Catholic and Lay Educators and Education, Training and Development. Thus, taking as reference the problematizations constructed throughout this research, defend the thesis that Vozes Magazine, through its collaborators, produces representations related to Basic Education translated into a Catholic discourse. I do not ignore the aspects of the games of interest and the power relations, through a well articulated plot that the newspaper possessed, with the political and economic elite of the country, which made it possible to publish the form for nine decades (1907-2003). Finally, should point out that it must be made clear that the ideas expressed in the pages of Vozes Magazine do not run away from what the editors thought. When the articles were published, they represented the view of the publisher and of the entire group at that time represented by them, turning the print into a space for disputes. What is put in the pages of the newspaper between the decades of 1960 and 1980, is the world view of a group, that at the moment, tries to overlap to the rest. Both in the order of the franciscans and in the Church, as well as in other strata of society, including State itself.