Usucapião extrajudicial como forma de reconhecimento da materialização da função social da propriedade com respeito à dignidade humana
Conteratto, Paulo Roberto Tondolo
The present work focuses on the right of property, from a historical perspective, to remove it from its static patrimonial aspect, and to visualize it in the dynamic process of concretizing its social function towards human dignity through extra judicial usucaption. This procedure is analyzed as a mean of access to property, passing through this analysis by the historical evolution of this right, relating it with the social function inherent to it and, finally, with the social evolution of the Brazilian state and the founding principles, with a focus on the dignity of the human person. Thus, it is tried to demonstrate that the extra judicial usucaption can be considered a bridge between the law and the accomplishment of the social function of the property through the possession, respecting the dignity of the human person, through its basic
characteristics of celerity and of low financial cost, verifying how the achievement of this objective is being achieved and what may be hindering it. In order to do so, the historical development of the dignity of the human person and the inclusion of celerity as a requirement for its respect are first outlined. Next, the relationship established by man with the world around him is dealt with, dealing with the detention of things by people to meet their basic needs; of possession as the factual appropriation of objects obtained and constructed by people; of the property right as the state recognition of possession, and the exercise of the social function of possession and property as a result of human labor. Finally, usucaption is treated as recognition of property for those who exercise possession in order to fulfill their social function, and extra judicial usucaption is presented as a result of disjudicialization in order to be verified the hypothesis that it is a way for people to reach property with respect to their dignity