A emergência da inclusão escolar no governo FHC: movimentos que a tornaram uma “verdade” que permanece
Rech, Tatiana Luiza
This paper presents a study on the emergence of school inclusion in Brazil, focusing on Fernando Henrique Cardoso administration (1995-1998, 1999-2002). The purpose of this paper is to show that school inclusion was set up by means of certain practices - governmental regulations – which aimed at social mobilization. Data produced in the Cardoso administration and found in the following documents: National Policy on Special Education - put into effect in 1994, National Education Plan - enacted in 2001, and National Guidelines for Special Education in Basic Education - from 2001, organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) and the Department of Special Education (SEESP), have been used as material for analysis. The concepts of standardization, integration / inclusion and governmentality - designed from the theories of Foucault studies - are used as analytical tools in this work. The study shows that the school inclusion was formed from several previous movements, such as the school integration one.