Comportamento bioquímico e ultraestrutural de trichoderma harzianum em resposta a presença de cádmio
2008-02-28Registro en:
LIMA, Adriana de Freitas. Ultrastructural and biochemical behavior of Trichoderma harzianum in response to cadmium. 2008. 113 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Desenvolvimento de Processos Ambientais) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Recife, 2008.
Lima, Adriana de Freitas
Considering the biotechnological potential of Trichoderma harzianum in the xenobiotic metabolization and its resistance to heavy metals, the aim of this work was to evaluate the utrastructural and biochemical behavior related to cadmium tolerance and removal. The microorganism was grown in different media, containing 1mM, 2mM and 3mM of cadmium. Aspects of the growth profile was obtained by biomass production, glucose consumption, acid and
alkaline phosphatase activities, morphology by optical microscopy, ultrastructure by scanning electron microscopy, total protein profile, polyphosphate acumulation and metal removal were evaluated. The results obtained revealed the inhibitory effects of the heavy metal on the microbial
growth and the aspects of the tolerance to cadmium. The glucose consumption and the enzymes activities were also affected by cadmium and its different concentrations. The morphological analysis revealed variations related to
hyphae thickness, branching pattern, texture and homogenity, electrondensity, and presence of granular structures. The ultrastructural aspects revealed
alterations related to cell electrondensity, mycelia density, branching pattern and reduced chlamidospores number. The grown in presence of the metal induced a reduction in the total protein content related to cadmium
concentration. The isolate was able to accumulate polyphosphate, and its grown in cadmium induced the polymer degradation. The cadmium removal was observed and revealed variations related to metal concentrations. The
results for the first time revealed the effects of cadmium on T. harzianum polyphosphate accumulation and its potential application in the metal remediation