A influência do uso da argamassa estabilizada na diminuição de impactos ambientais
Weissheimer, Luís Fernando
Civil construction is a fundamental activity for society’s development, generating jobs, life quality and economic development. However, through the uncontrolled use of natural resources, it has generated a large amount of waste and considerable negative environmental impacts. While new technologies arise as alternatives to the traditional waste present in this activity, this study analyzed the influence of the replacement of conventional mortar by the use of stabilized mortar in the generation of waste classified as Class A by Resolution 307 (CONAMA, 2002). For this, the waste generated during the execution of three vertical residential buildings, named Buildings A, B and C, were quantified, using statistical techniques to evaluate the variation in the rate of generation of Class A waste due to the change in the system of conventional mortar (A and B) for the stabilized mortar system (C). After the results analysis, considering that the only construction system that changed was the type of mortar, it was verified a reduction in the rate of generation of Class A CDW of approximately 31% in Building C, where the stabilized mortar was used, in comparison with the average of Buildings A and B, where conventional mortar was used. Samples were also collected from each type of mortar, sent for leaching and solubilization analyzes against the criteria of NBR 10.004 (ABNT, 2004). Since no significant differences between the samples were indicated for these parameters, it was concluded that the use of mortar reduces significantly the amount of CDW at the construction site, without increasing the risk of environmental contamination by the same.