Cooperative programme for the production/marketing of priority fruit crops in the Windward Islands
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
A comprehensive analysis of the ecological, institutional, production, postharvest and marketing constraints that will impact upon diversification efforts, particularly within a joint marketing framework is presented. The document is based primarily upon the IICA study and therefore concentrates on the fruit subsector. It is recognized that other commodity groups, such as roots and flowers, may play a significant role in diversification efforts. The table of contents refers to the current situation, requirements for effective joint marketing, and a methodological approach. Section II presents sectoral problem identificacion at national and regional level. Section III presents the traditional fruit tree crop and other potential export fruit crops. Section IV presents the proposed strategy: crop prioritization, project identification, complementary actions and strategy implementation. Ten project profiles are presented, including creation of Windward Island Fruit Sub-sector Coordinating Committee; technology generation and transfer for priority fruit tree crop production in the Windward Islands; fruit crop germplasm bank for the Eastern Caribbean; and pilot projects for the development of new fruit crops in the Windward Islands.