dc.creatorExecutive Committee (EC)
dc.relationReport of the Forty-second Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee
dc.relation(WD-734) Provisional Schedule
dc.relation(WD-735) Provisional Agenda - Rev. 1
dc.relation(WD-736) Proposed adjustments to the Medium-term Plan (MTP) - Rev. 1
dc.relation(WD-737) Date and Venue of the Forty-third Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee
dc.relation(WD-738) Report on the collection of quota contributions
dc.relation(WD-738a) Report on the collection of quota contributions (as of July 17, 2022)
dc.relation(WD-739) 2021 Financial statements of IICA and report of the external auditors
dc.relation(WD-740) Twenty-eigth report of the Audit Review Committee (ARC)
dc.relation(WD-741) 2021 Annual Report of IICA
dc.relation(WD-742) Report of the 2022 Regular Meeting of the Special Advisory Committee Meeting on Management Issues (SACMI)
dc.relation(WD-743) Status of the resolutions of the Forty-first Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee
dc.relation(WD-744) Status of the resolutions of the Twentieth First Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agriculture (IABA) - Rev. 1
dc.relationReport of the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) for the 2020-2021 biennium
dc.relation(ID-01) Report on Resolution IICA/JIA/Res. 535 "Ministerial commitment to support the fight against African swine fever”
dc.relation(ID-02) Report of the Market Information Organization of the Americas (MIOA)
dc.relation(ID-03) Information Document: “Collective action by the Americas to tackle food insecurity and foster environmental sustainability”
dc.relation(ID-04) Report of the Inter-American Commission for Organic Agriculture (ICOA) 2021- 2022
dc.relation(ID-05) Agri-food Systems of the Americas Pavilion
dc.relation(ID-06) Resolution No. 536 “Support for the Recovery of the Agriculture and Rural Sector of the Republic of Haiti”
dc.relationRes. 685 Propuesta de Ajustes al Plan de Mediano Plazo (PMP) 2022-2026
dc.relationRes. 686 La Acción Colectiva de las Américas para combatir las Inseguridad Alimentaria y promover la Sostenibilidad Ambiental
dc.relationRes. 687 El Papel Estratégico de los Sistemas Agroalimentarios de las Américas en referencia a la atención de los procesos de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático
dc.relationRes. 688 Sobre la Importancia de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación en la Agricultura
dc.relationRes. 689 Estados Financieros del Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) de 2021, Informe de los Auditores Externos y Vigésimo Octavo Informe del Comité de Revisión de Auditoría (CRA)
dc.relationRes. 690 Informe sobre la Recaudación de Cuotas
dc.relationRes. 691 Informe del Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) para el Bienio 2020-2021
dc.relationRes. 692 Informe del Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrícola del Caribe (CARDI) para el Bienio 2020-2021
dc.relationRes. 693 2021 Annual Report of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)
dc.relationRes. 694 Report of the 2022 Regular Meeting of the Special Advisory Commission on Management Issues (SACMI)
dc.relationRes. 695 Status of the Resolutions of the Forty-First Regular Meeting of the Executive Commitee and the Twenty-First Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agriculture (IABA)
dc.relationRes. 696 Date and Venue of the Forty-Third Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee
dc.relationRes. 697 Designation of the External Auditors of the Inter-American Institute (IICA) and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) for the 2022-2023 Biennium
dc.titleXLII Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee

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