dc.creatorInstituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
dc.creatorPinchinat, Antonio M.
dc.description.abstractThe document includes the programme of the workshop, attended by fourteen participants, representing six concerned institutions from the Caribbean (see annexes 1 and 2). In section two the institutional statements are summarizes as follows: the University of the West Indies (UWI) established four themes: agricultural sustainability; crop industry; livestock industry; and policy evaluation. The Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) identified three broad categories of activities in which cooperation with Latin America should be established or strengthened. These are translation of documents and training, networking, and special projects. The Caribbean Industrial Reserarch Institute (CARIRI) informed that its work centres on food and agro-business. The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) identified at least four specific areas: Spanish-language training, technical cooperation projects, secondments for professionals from Caribbean institutions, and information exchange. IICA identified rural agro-industry, non-traditional fruit crops, ornamental crops, and sheep and goat as categories of activities. (
dc.publisherInstituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
dc.relationReports, Results and Recommendations from Technical Event Series A2/LC
dc.relationSuport to implementing cooperative activities between Latin-American and Caribbean institutions. Workshop Proceedings (13 de diciembre, 1991 : Puerto España, Trinidad y Tobago)
dc.relationReports, Results and Recommendations from Technical Event Series A2/LC, no. 92-001
dc.subjectCooperación regional
dc.subjectDesarrollo agrícola||agricultural development||desenvolvimento agrícola||développement agricole
dc.subjectAgricultura sostenible||sustainable agriculture||agricultura sustentável||agriculture durable
dc.subjectComplejos agroindustriales||agro-industrial complexes||complexo agro-industrial||complexe agro-industriel
dc.subjectGanadería||animal husbandry||criação animal||élevage
dc.subjectProyectos de desarrollo||development projects||projecto de desenvolvimento||projet de développement
dc.subjectAmérica Latina||Latin America||America Latina||Amérique latine
dc.titleSupport to implementing cooperative activities between Latin-American and Caribbean institutions for agricultural development

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