dc.contributor | The Co-operative Citrus Growers' Association, Puerto España (Trinidad y Tobago) | |
dc.creator | Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) | |
dc.creator | Burgess, Karl | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-05-04T20:48:25Z | |
dc.date.available | 2020-05-04T20:48:25Z | |
dc.date.created | 2020-05-04T20:48:25Z | |
dc.date.issued | 1993 | |
dc.identifier | https://repositorio.iica.int/handle/11324/9545 | |
dc.description.abstract | This guide is neither a literature review nor does it seek to achieve the status of a technical paper. Instead, it attempts to be as current as possible with the understanding that changes are currently occurring especially in the fields of environment-friendly pesticides, wider ranges of inorganic fertilizer, and varying management styles and strategies as they all relate to citrus production. Indeed, not all aspects are addressed. The challenge lies for the farmer and interested parties to use this guide with the technology available to advance in awareness and knowledge of citrus. | |
dc.language | en | |
dc.publisher | Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) | |
dc.subject | Citrus | |
dc.subject | Cultivos||crops||cultura||plante de culture | |
dc.subject | Manejo del cultivo||crop management||gestão da colheita||conduite de la culture | |
dc.subject | Producción||production||produção||production | |
dc.subject | Plantaciones||plantations||plantação||plantations | |
dc.subject | Aplicación de abonos||fertilizer application||aplicação de fertilizante||fertilisation | |
dc.subject | Trinidad y Tobago||Trinidad and Tobago||Trinidad e Tobago||Trinité-et-Tobago | |
dc.subject | Control de enfermedades||disease control||combate às doenças||contrôle de maladies | |
dc.subject | Propagación de plantas | |
dc.subject | plant propagation | |
dc.subject | multiplication des plantes | |
dc.subject | propagação vegetal | |
dc.subject | Cultivos de semillas | |
dc.subject | seed crops | |
dc.subject | porte graines | |
dc.subject | cultura para produção de semente | |
dc.subject | Tipos de suelos cultivables | |
dc.subject | cultural soil types | |
dc.subject | type de sol de culture | |
dc.subject | tipo de solo cultivável | |
dc.subject | Deficiencias nutritivas | |
dc.subject | nutrient deficiencies | |
dc.subject | carence en substance nutritive | |
dc.subject | carência em substâncias nutritivas | |
dc.subject | Frutas cítricas||citrus fruits||fruta cítrica||agrume | |
dc.subject | Árboles frutales | |
dc.subject | fruit trees | |
dc.subject | arbre fruitier | |
dc.subject | árvore de fruto | |
dc.title | A farmer's guide to citrus production | |
dc.type | Informe | |