Costa Rica
| Reunión
XLI Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee
dc.creator | Executive Committee (EC) | | | 2021-07-08T19:57:44Z | | | 2023-03-09T19:00:50Z | | | 2021-07-08T19:57:44Z | | | 2023-03-09T19:00:50Z | | | 2021-07-08T19:57:44Z | | | 2021 | |
dc.identifier | | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language | en | |
dc.relation | Report of the Forty-first Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee | |
dc.relation | (WD-717) Provisional Schedule | |
dc.relation | (WD-718) Provisional Agenda - Rev. 1 | |
dc.relation | (WD-719) On the road to the United Nations Food Systems Summit: key messages from the perspective of agriculture in the Americas - Rev. 1 | |
dc.relation | (WD-720) 2022-2023 Program Budget - Rev. 1 | |
dc.relation | (WD-721) Report on the collection of quota contributions (as of 25 May 2021) | |
dc.relation | (WD-721a) Report on the collection of quota contributions (June 25, 2021) | |
dc.relation | (WD-722) 2020 Financial statements of IICA and report of the external auditors | |
dc.relation | (WD-723) Twenty-seventh report of the Audit Review Committee (ARC) | |
dc.relation | (WD-724) Election of a member of the ARC | |
dc.relation | (WD-725) 2020 IICA Annual Report | |
dc.relation | (WD-726) Report of the First Extraordinary Meeting of 2020 of the Special Advisory Committee on Management Issues (SACMI) | |
dc.relation | (WD-727) Report of the Second Extraordinary Meeting of 2020 of the Special Advisory Committee on Management Issues (SACMI) | |
dc.relation | (WD-728) Report of the First Extraordinary Meeting of 2021 of the Special Advisory Committee on Management Issues (SACMI) | |
dc.relation | (WD-729) Report of the 2021 Regular Meeting of the Special Advisory Committee on Management Issues (SACMI) | |
dc.relation | (WD-730) Status of the resolutions of the Fortieth Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee | |
dc.relation | (WD-731) Status of the resolutions of the Twentieth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agriculture (IABA) | |
dc.relation | (WD-732) Progress in the organization of the Twenty-first Regular Meeting of the IABA: proposed draft agenda | |
dc.relation | (WD-733) Date and venue of the Forty-second Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee | |
dc.relation | Report on joint collaboration activities between IICA and CATIE | |
dc.relation | Report of the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) for the 2019-2020 biennium | |
dc.relation | Report of the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) for the 2019-2020 biennium | |
dc.relation | (ID-01) Report of the Market Information Organization of the Americas (MIOA) | |
dc.relation | (ID-02) Report of the Inter-American Commission on Organic Agriculture (ICOA) | |
dc.relation | (ID-03) Report on resolution IICA/JIA/Res. 521 Strengthening on the Agricultural Health, Safety and Food Quality Program | |
dc.relation | (ID-04) Progress Report on Resolution IICA/JIA/Res. 529 (XX-O/19) Multilateral Coordination in Support of Small Developing States and Low-Lying Developing Countries | |
dc.relation | (ID-05) Creation of the joint unit and pre-investment fund for the management of production projects under the IICA-CATIE Master Plan | |
dc.relation | (ID-06) Master Plan for the Management of the IICA-CATIE Real Estate Assets and Production Projects | |
dc.relation | (ID-07) General bilateral agreement for institutional cooperation between the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center | |
dc.relation | Res. 670 2018-2021 Management Report | |
dc.relation | Res. 671 2020 Annual Report of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) | |
dc.relation | Res. 672 About the transformation of agrifood systems and the role of agriculture in the Americas | |
dc.relation | Res. 673 2022-2023 Program-budget | |
dc.relation | Res. 674 Report on the Collection of Quotas | |
dc.relation | Res. 675 2020 Financial Statements of IICA, Report of the External Auditors and Twenty-seventh Report of the Audit Review Committee (ARC) | |
dc.relation | Res. 676 Recognition of the contribution made by Mrs. Carla Pike as a member of the Audit Review Committee (ARC) | |
dc.relation | Res. 677 Election of a Member of the ARC | |
dc.relation | Res. 678 Biennial Report of the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) for 2019-2020 | |
dc.relation | Res. 679 Report of the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) for the 2019-2020 biennium | |
dc.relation | Res. 680 Reports of the 2020 and 2021 extraordinary meetings and the 2021 regular meeting of the Special Advisory Commission On Management Issues (SACMI) | |
dc.relation | Res. 681 Status of the Resolutions of the Fortieth Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee and of the Twentieth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agriculture (IABA) | |
dc.relation | Res. 682 Provisional agenda for the Conference of Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas 2021 – Twenty-First Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agriculture (IABA) | |
dc.relation | Res. 683 2020-2021 Report of the Inter-American Commission on Organic Agriculture (ICOA) | |
dc.relation | Res. 684 Date and Venue of the Forty-second Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee | |
dc.title | XLI Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee | |
dc.type | Reunión |