Factores que provocan lesiones orales en pacientes portadores de prótesis removible
Miranda Villalta, Gabriela Lisseth
En la cavidad bucal existen un sin número de patologías, todas dadas por
diferentes factores, donde la de mayor incidencia en la población es la caries dental, por
este y muchos motivos, las personas pierden piezas dentales, la manera más habitual
de reponerlas es mediante una prótesis removible, sin embargo, en ciertos casos, la
mucosa oral se ve afectada por lesiones injuriosas, dadas por diferentes causas, que
afectan la calidad de vida de las personas. Objetivo: Identificar los factores que
provocan lesiones orales en pacientes portadores de prótesis removibles. Metodología:
El estudio que se realizó fue de tipo cualitativo- exploratorio, documental y retrospectivo,
basado en información que, ya ha sido estudiada y con situaciones existentes previas
de diferentes autores, aplicando métodos analítico-sintético. Resultados: Los factores
predisponentes en conjunto con el uso de prótesis removibles, pueden provocar lesiones
orales, afectan más a las personas en la década de vida de 40 a 60 años, el sexo
femenino es el más afectado por lesiones orales, y la lesión de mayor incidencia es la
estomatitis subprótesis. Conclusiones: se estableció que los factores que provocan
lesiones orales son; edad, sexo, mala higiene bucal, tabaquismo, uso de fármacos,
enfermedades, el tiempo de vida y frecuencia de uso de las prótesis y el desconocimiento
del cuidado y mantenimiento de las prótesis removibles.
In the oral cavity there are a number of pathologies, all caused by different factors,
where the highest incidence in the population is dental caries, for this and many reasons,
people lose teeth, the most common way to replace them is through a removable prosthesis,
however, in certain cases, the oral mucosa is affected by injurious lesions, given by different
causes, that affect people's quality of life. Objective: To identify the factors that cause oral
lesions in patients with removable prostheses. Methodology: The study that was carried out
was qualitative-exploratory, documentary and retrospective, based on information that has
already been studied and with previous existing situations from different authors, applying
analytical-synthetic and historical-logical methods. Results: The predisposing factors in
conjunction with the use of removable prostheses, can cause oral lesions, affect more people
in the decade of life of 40 to 60 years, the female sex is the most affected by oral lesions, and
the lesion of the highest incidence is sub-prosthetic stomatitis. Conclusions: it was
established that the factors that cause oral lesions are; age, sex, poor oral hygiene, smoking,
use of drugs, illnesses, life span and frequency of use of prostheses and ignorance of the care
and maintenance of removable prostheses.
In the oral cavity there are a number of pathologies, all caused by different factors,
where the highest incidence in the population is dental caries, for this and many reasons,
people lose teeth, the most common way to replace them is through a removable prosthesis,
however, in certain cases, the oral mucosa is affected by injurious lesions, given by different
causes, that affect people's quality of life. Objective: To identify the factors that cause oral
lesions in patients with removable prostheses. Methodology: The study that was carried out
was qualitative-exploratory, documentary and retrospective, based on information that has
already been studied and with previous existing situations from different authors, applying
analytical-synthetic and historical-logical methods. Results: The predisposing factors in
conjunction with the use of removable prostheses, can cause oral lesions, affect more people
in the decade of life of 40 to 60 years, the female sex is the most affected by oral lesions, and
the lesion of the highest incidence is sub-prosthetic stomatitis. Conclusions: it was
established that the factors that cause oral lesions are; age, sex, poor oral hygiene, smoking,
use of drugs, illnesses, life span and frequency of use of prostheses and ignorance of the care
and maintenance of removable prostheses.In the oral cavity there are a number of pathologies, all caused by different factors,
where the highest incidence in the population is dental caries, for this and many reasons,
people lose teeth, the most common way to replace them is through a removable prosthesis,
however, in certain cases, the oral mucosa is affected by injurious lesions, given by different
causes, that affect people's quality of life. Objective: To identify the factors that cause oral
lesions in patients with removable prostheses. Methodology: The study that was carried out
was qualitative-exploratory, documentary and retrospective, based on information that has
already been studied and with previous existing situations from different authors, applying
analytical-synthetic and historical-logical methods. Results: The predisposing factors in
conjunction with the use of removable prostheses, can cause oral lesions, affect more people
in the decade of life of 40 to 60 years, the female sex is the most affected by oral lesions, and
the lesion of the highest incidence is sub-prosthetic stomatitis. Conclusions: it was
established that the factors that cause oral lesions are; age, sex, poor oral hygiene, smoking,
use of drugs, illnesses, life span and frequency of use of prostheses and ignorance of the care
and maintenance of removable prostheses.