Influence of short stories in the development of the reading skill
Torres Manzo, Catalina Mercedes
León Valencia, Katherine Yuly
The use of literature has been applied as an essential component of
English language curriculum, (2017). The objective of EFL teaching is to
help students to communicate fluently. However, some teachers still
believe that an EFL class should focus on mastering linguistic elements
only, but recent trend in EFL teaching indicates the necessity of
integrating literature because of its rich potential to provide an authentic
model of language use. Among literary genres, short stories seem to be
the most suitable choice for this due to its potential to help students
enhance the four skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing, more
effectively because of the motivational benefit embedded in the stories.
This paper discusses the findings of a study carried out to investigate the
influence of short stories to improve reading skills. The findings of the
study, obtained through quantitative and qualitative approaches,
hopefully provide insights to help teachers in designing more appropriate
strategies to train students.