Incidence of interactive activities in the development of the auditive comprehension
Delgado Alvia, Karem Yaneth
Zambrano Rojas, Joselyne Mercedes
It is known that the Information and Communication technologies (ICTs) are important within the teaching of learning as foreign language, the purpose of the current investigation was developed a pedagogical proposal based on the use of an interactive CD with interactive activities in order to improve the auditive comprehension in the students of 10th grade at Dr. Francisco Arizaga Luque High School. For the implementation of this proposal the authors worked with 35 students, the teacher used the interactive CD during classes and he could notice the change in the behavior of the students, they got feel interested in working with this CD, when they were assessed, the teacher realized that they improved their auditive comprehension notably since the last quiz he took. Consequently, all this new didactic tool was an advantage for the improvement of the auditive comprehension of the students.