Diseño de una red celular LTE en la CNT provincia del Cañar
Osorio Avila, Fernando Arturo
Después de la investigación realizada, en la cual se fundamentó la problemática, se analizó los resultados obtenidos para la implementación del siguiente diseño para la red LTE para la CNT provincia del Cañar, se determinó realizar lo siguiente:
Sera un diseño centralizado en las cabeceras cantonales para cubrir el mayor número de usuario posibles.
Se utilizará instalaciones existentes de la CNT para el diseño.
Se planteará la instalación de 6 nodos “e-Nodo B” como se muestra en la figura 14, uno en la radio-base nombrada Móvil Azogues para cubrir la demanda en la cuidad de Azogues, en la radio-base Bueran se dará cobertura al cantón Cañar, y en oficinas de la CNT Biblian, Tambo, Suscal y La Troncal las cuales brindaran servicio a sus respectivos cantones. LTE (Long Term Evolution) is one the newest mobile communications standards. This standard was born in order to cover the need for better end-user bandwidth. In addition, this standard is less complex, so the phone manufacturers can build better devices at lower prices, which is a way to get new users into this technology.
In0 November 2013, The “Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaiones (CNT)” was the first Com0pany to offer LTE service, which it is known as the fastest mobile data communication standard in Ecuador. This happened because CNT got the spectrum concession and they can develop the 4g network. The private companies “Claro” and “Movistar” waited almost two years to 0receive the same concession, which is the reason why currently CNT has the most users with a 43.8 % national rate, comparing with Claro having 29.07% and Movistar 27.04% according to Arcotel data of last march.
Even though CNT has good LTE coverage, in the province of Cañar there is no LTE service, which means loss of customers. This is the reason why the current paper called “Design of a LTE network in the CNT Cañar Province” has the purpose of collecting information about the current cellular network situation in the company. This information is going to help us to analyze the data and create a design that meets all the client requirements, and accomplish the company coverage and quality of service objectives.