Área de la Puna Argentina. Interpretación Geológica de Datos de Geofísica Aérea y Landsat TM
1997Registro en:
Rankin, L.R. y Triggs, D., 1997. Geological Interpretation of Airborne Geophysical and Landsat TM Data. Puna Area. Argentina. Serie Contribuciones Técnicas;Geofísica nro.6. 49 p. Buenos Aires, Subsecretaría de Minería de la Nación. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino y World Geoscience Corporation
Rankin, Leigh R.
Triggs, D.
This report outlines the results of an integrated geological interpretation of recently-acquired airborne geophysical data (magnetic and radiometric) and Landsat TM data in the Puna region, northwest Argentina. The procedures adopted in the interpretation are also outlined. The main objective of this survey was to provide a regional geological-geophysical framework to assist assessment of the mineral potential of the region, and hence stimulate exploration in Argentina.
The interpretation was compiled using 1:250 000 scale Landsat (R:G:B = 7:4:1) imagery, magnetic and radiometric imagery (1km line-spaced data), integrated with existing published 1:400 000 and 1:200 000 geological maps.
The interpretation was compiled as both surface geology maps (two sheets) (from Landsat data), and "solid geology" maps (two sheets) detailing the distribution and structural setting of the main rock units of the region, both in outcrop, and where concealed by Quaternary surficial sediments. Limited field checking was carried out in support of the interpretation.