Analysis of WWTPs technologies based on the removal efficiency of Pharmaceutical Activated Compounds for water reuse purposes. A Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making approach
Fernández-López, Carmen
González García, Mariano (1)
Sánchez-Lozano, Juan Miguel
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are designed to remove organic matter, phosphorus, and nitrogen but not other pollutants such as Pharmaceutical Activated Compounds (PhAC). Purpose: This study involves the development of an approach based on a fuzzy version of a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method called TOPSIS which issues such as technology used in each WWTP, atmospheric temperature, hydraulic retention time or population equivalent can help in the decisions to design WWTPs when the efficiency of PhAC removal must be considered. Methodology: Eleven alternatives (WWTPs) located in the Southeast of Spain involving two technologies (MBR and CAS) and considering different ways of quantifying each technology in the TOPSIS ranking were studied. Findings: The resolution of the multi-criteria problem allowed the most efficient WWTPs in the removal of each PhAC to be classified, indicating that the criterion of technology was not overly important. However, some criteria were more relevant than others. Novelty: The current methodology can also be applied to the design of WWTPs to remove different PhAC, considering other criteria with the possibility of reusing wastewater.