The design of an E-portfolio as an interdisciplinary tool to promote autonomy in a CLIL context
Jurado-Arroyo, Estíbaliz
Learners of the 21st century are living in a globalized world where the command of ICT and personal initiative are demanded competencies. In that sense, students need an adapted learning environment that enhances these competencies. The learning process along primary school should cover these needs, prepare students to be an active part of the society and succeed in it.
This Master’s Dissertation aims to design an E-portfolio as an interdisciplinary tool to promote autonomy in a CLIL context. To reach this objective, this intervention proposal outlines a project to enhance student’s autonomy using an E-portfolio as a digital support. This project has been planned within an interdisciplinary project that combines science and arts in a CLIL context. Students will travel around different continents rescuing lost animals from the local zoo. Along the trip, learners will take the responsibility to create their diaries (E-portfolios), where they will collect all the information needed to become experts on the animals they rescue and take good care of them.
To succeed in the creation of this project, we have explored the literature and search for the concept of E-portfolio, CLIL fundamentals, the links between CLIL and E-portfolios, the importance of autonomy in a CLIL context and the benefits of E-portfolios regarding autonomy.
Once the project has been created applying the theoretical concepts explored in the literature review, this Master’s Dissertation will provide a tool to value the effectiveness of the project in case it is carried out. The project will conclude exposing the lack of practical studies in the Spanish nation regarding the combination of E-portfolios, autonomy and the feasibility to combine these two aspects in a CLIL environment. It will also suggest improvements for further applications and future lines of work in the educational field.