A 6-Key Action Plan for Education in Times of Crises
Affouneh, Saida
Burgos, Daniel (1)
Education is a human right, and many initiatives have evolved around the world so that no child is left behind. This right has been violated several times during crisis situations in many countries especially for marginalised children. It is well-known that crises could emerge for several reasons, either sudden natural events such as earthquakes or human violence such as wars and conflicts. In both cases, millions of children and youth still need to have access not only to education but also to quality formal and informal instruction. This chapter will present a step-to-step action plan with six keys to work on education in times of crises that will help designing and implementing a specific action plan adapted to every context. Further, we reflect on understanding the concepts of emergency education, the impact on students’ learning and the need for a well-designed plan to reform the educational systems and decrease the impact of the crisis on students’ right to access quality education. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.