Articulo Revista Indexada
Chinese-chi and Kundalini yoga Meditations Effects on the Autonomic Nervous System: Comparative Study
Dey, Anilesh
Bhattacharya, D. K.
Tibarewala, D.N.
Dey, Nilanjan
Ashour, Amira S.
Le, Dac-Nhuong
Gospodinova, Evgeniya
Gospodinov, Mitko
Cardiac disease is one of the major causes for death
all over the world. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a significant
parameter that used in assessing Autonomous Nervous System
(ANS) activity. Generally, the 2D Poincare′ plot and 3D Poincaré
plot of the HRV signals reflect the effect of different external stimuli
on the ANS. Meditation is one of such external stimulus, which
has different techniques with different types of effects on the ANS.
Chinese Chi-meditation and Kundalini yoga are two different
effective meditation techniques. The current work is interested with
the analysis of the HRV signals under the effect of these two based on
meditation techniques. The 2D and 3D Poincare′ plots are generally
plotted by fitting respectively an ellipse/ellipsoid to the dense region
of the constructed Poincare′ plot of HRV signals. However, the
2D and 3D Poincaré plots sometimes fail to describe the proper
behaviour of the system. Thus in this study, a three-dimensional
frequency-delay plot is proposed to properly distinguish these two
famous meditation techniques by analyzing their effects on ANS.
This proposed 3D frequency-delay plot is applied on HRV signals
of eight persons practicing same Chi-meditation and four other
persons practising same Kundalini yoga. To substantiate the result
for larger sample of data, statistical Student t-test is applied, which
shows a satisfactory result in this context. The experimental results
established that the Chi-meditation has large impact on the HRV
compared to the Kundalini yoga.