Student's Epistemological Beliefs and the Perception about University Professor. A study with Science Students
De-Juanas Oliva, Ángel
Navarro Asencio, Enrique (1)
Ezquerra, A.
In this work we analyse the university professors ratings and their epistemological beliefs. We sampled 133 students from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) who are studying Health Sciences. For the study we used the following questionnaires: Characteristics of University Teaching Quality from the students point of view (De-Juanas) and Schommer Epistemological Questionnaire (Schommer). The results show that gender has no influence on the perception of students about teachers or epistemological beliefs. We found relationships between students' beliefs about knowledge and its valoration on a number of teaching work dimensions (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.