Articulo Revista Indexada
Biometric iris recognition using radial basis function neural network
Dua, Megha
Gupta, Rashmi
Khari, Manju
González-Crespo, Rubén (1)
The consistent and efficient method for the identification of biometrics is the iris recognition in view of the fact that it has richness in texture information. A good number of features performed in the past are built on handcrafted features. The proposed method is based on the feed-forward architecture and uses k-means clustering algorithm for the iris patterns classification. In this paper, segmentation of iris is performed using the circular Hough transform that realizes the iris boundaries in the eye and isolates the region of iris with no eyelashes and other constrictions. Moreover, Daugman's rubber sheet model is used to transform the resultant iris portion into polar coordinates in the process of normalization. A unique iris code is generated by log-Gabor filter to extract the features. The classification is achieved using neural network structures, the feed-forward neural network and the radial basis function neural network. The experiments have been conducted using the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation (CASIA) iris database. The proposed system decreases computation time, size of the database and increases the recognition accuracy as compared to the existing algorithms.