Integrating CLIL and Service Learning approaches: design of an intervention proposal for Primary 6.
Taña-Zapata, Cristina
Living in a world that is constantly subject to change and technological innovation
requires that Education embraces new paradigms of teaching and learning in order to
offer the students the possibility to develop the skills that are becoming exponentially on
This is what we aim to do in this Master’s Dissertation, in which CLIL and Service
Learning approaches came up to be suitable and highly compatible methodologies to give
proper response to the future generations in this demanding context. Hence, some
literature on both approaches has been reviewed, focusing on their main features and
characteristics that will set the stage for our intervention proposal.
Therefore, according to the findings in the theoretical framework, we have designed an
intervention proposal based on the development of a CLIL unit for Primary 6 level, in
which students aim to enrol in a meaningful project that combines the best of CLIL, such
as the 4Cs Framework (Content, Cognition, Communication and Culture), and Service
Learning, following its main steps when designing the sessions (investigation,
preparation and planning, action and reflection). The unit is developed around the goal
the students should work upon: leading and carrying out a blood drive campaign at their
Thus, the main objective of this MD is to prove the benefits of combining those
approaches in the educational context for the students, for the teachers and even for the
community in which they are being applied.
Finally, we consider highly recommendable the possibility to extend the intervention
proposal presented in this paper to other levels of the different educational stages,
around other causes and integrating other subjects in a cross-curricular manner.