dc.contributorSonia Patricia Carolina Ledesma Figueroa
dc.contributorSoluciones Integrales de Reduccion de Vibraciones S. A.
dc.descriptionDesarrollar Tres Prototipos de Productos Anti-sísmicos para Estructuras Livianas:-prestressed Precast Pile (ppp)-slider Bearing With Tendons (tsl)-seismic Partition Wall (spw)
dc.descriptionPpp - 2: Implementar Capacidades Auto-centrantes y de Disipación de Energía
dc.descriptionPpp - 3: Verificar Experimentalmente el Diseño
dc.descriptionPpp -1 : Entender el Comportamiento y Diseñar los Elementos a la Interfaz entre el Cabezal y el Capitel.
dc.descriptionSpw - 1: Diseñar las Uniones entre Dos o Más Spw o entre un Spw y Otro Muro.
dc.descriptionSpw - 2: Maximizar la Disipación de Energía Manteniendo la Protección del Tabique y el Costo Comercialmente Atractivo.
dc.descriptionSpw - 3: Mejorar la Conexión con la Losa.
dc.descriptionSpw - 4: Verificar Experimentalmente el Diseño
dc.descriptionTsl - 1: Caracterizar y Diseñar los Tirantes Elásticos
dc.descriptionTsl - 2: Desarrollar/comprobar un Material de Fricción para el Roce entre el Cabezal y la Superficie de Apoyo.
dc.descriptionTsl - 3: Diseñar la Conexión entre los Tirantes y el Cabezal y entre los Tirantes y el Cajón Exterior.
dc.descriptionTsl - 4: Verificar Experimentalmente el Diseño
dc.descriptionThe Objective Of the Project is To Develop New Advanced And Commercially Attractive Seismic Protection Technologies In Order To Protect Life And Avoid Structural And Content Damages To Light Weight Buildings. Sirve S. A. S Mission is To Be a World Reference In the Development Of Comprehensive Technological Solutions In the Field Of Seismic Protection And Structural Engineering. In Order To Do That Sirves Strategy is To Break Into New Unexplored Markets By Developing New Technologies. Sirve Has Already Developed And Commercialized New Seismic Protection Technologies For High-rise Residential And Office Buildings For Hospitals And Even Some Applications For the Industrial Market. This Project Will Allow Sirve To Venture Into the Virgin Light Weight Building Market. It Will Also Accentuate Its Global Presence As These New Technologies Have a Great Disruptive Potential.
dc.descriptionChile Has a Real Possibility To Become a World Leader In the Design And Production Of High Impact Technologies In Seismic Protection Due To Its Unique Geographical Status As a Natural Laboratory In Geosciences And Earthquakes. Consequently the Goal Of This Project is To Lead the Development Of a High-tech World-class Manufacturing Company Of Seismic Protection Devices Resulting To 10x Safer Structures At 1x Cost-effective Solutions I. E. Ten Times Safer At the Same Cost. This is a Huge Technological Challenge Since Current Technologies Imply Increases In Structural Cost That Range In Buildings From 0. 5% To 5% Of the Final Building Cost. Our Credential In Generating a Market Has Been Demonstrated By Our Work As a Company With Infrastructure Hospitals And Residential Buildings Prior And After the 2010 Chile Earthquake. According To Different Estimations Earthquake Damage In Chile Represents More Than 1% Of Its Annual Gdp. The Disruptive High-impact Technologies Proposed Herein Are Focused On Scalable Cost-effective Seismic Isolation And Energy Dissipation Devices That Will Create Value In Two Ways: (i) By Reducing To Essentially Zero the Annual Earthquake Costs That Results From Direct And Indirect Damage Human And Social Losses And To Reallocate Those Resources Into Other Productive Activities, And (ii) By Generating Economic Value Through Transfer Of New Knowledge Through Intellectual Property Development Of New Seismic Protection Technologies And Export Increase To Other Seismic Countries Of New Integrated Seismic Solutions New Devices And Other Complementary Products. The Market Size For These Technologies is Immense Since Damaging Vibrations Are Not Only Produced By Earthquakes And Other Natural Causes In Buildings And Civil Infrastructure All Over the World But Also In All Sorts Of Human Made Structures And At Very Different Length Scales. The Idea Behind This Proposal is That Every Structure In a Seismic Country Be Protected Against Earthquakes In the Same Ways As Cars Are Protected By Auto-braking Systems. Although Some Seismic Protection Technologies Have Been Present In the World For Almost 30 Years the Market Has Been Expanding At a Pace Not Consistent With the Power Of the Technology Mainly Due To Technological And Cost Issues. As a Result the Main Target Of Existing Technologies Has Been To Protect Human Lives In Rather Expensive Buildings Patrimonial Structures With Historical Value And Only More Recently To Achieve Operation Continuity Of Some Critical Facilities But Not In Light Weight Structures And Buildings. We Are Thinking Herein To Launch This Company To Disrupt the Light Weight Building Market With Three Simple Technologies That Satisfy Most Of the User Requirements At a Considerable Lower Cost Capture In a First Phase a Significant Fraction Of the Massive Markets And Then Expand To Bring Increasingly Higher-tech Components To Add Value Into the Solutions. Current Available Technologies That Can Be Used In Light Structures Are Prohibitively Expensive And Are Typically Discarded Due To Cost Issues. Consequently This Project Emphasizes the Development Of a New Branch Of Technologies Two Low-cost Seismic Isolation Devices And One Energy Dissipation Partition Technology That Integrates Seamlessly With the Architecture Aimed To Seismic Protection Of Systems And Structures That Have Not Been Considered As a Target For Vibration Or Seismic Protection Earlier I. E. Light Structures Housing And Light Buildings. The Project is Structured In Three Main Activities For the Each Group Of Technologies Proposed That Involve To: (i) Solve Critical Technological Challenges, (ii) Complete the Product Design And Development, And (iii) Develop the Complete Value Engineering Of the Device Solutions To Reach Successful Levels Of Proof-of-concept And Prototypes. We Will Also Work On Characterizing the National And International Markets Validate Commercially the Products At Local And International Level And Build a Thorough Business Plan For Internationalization. The Overspill Of These Technologies In Also Very Large Since Earthquake Induced Vibrations Are Not Different From Vibrations Caused By Other Sources That Lead To Large Damage In the Operation Stability And Functionality Of Different Systems. Moreover the Group Of Engineers And Researchers Presenting This Proposal Has a Well-known And a Proven Trajectory In Translational Research And Innovation. The Direct Impact Expected Of This Project Will Be the Generation Of the Appropriate Knowledge And Innovative Framework For Creating a World-class Company Leader In Providing Products And Solutions For Seismic Protection Technologies In Light Weight Buildings And Structures. Other Important Social Impacts Of the Project Will Be the Reduction Of Damage And Consequent Possibility To Reassign Resources Into Productive Activities the Protection Of Human Lives And the Increase In Welfare Of Societies Affected By Natural Disasters.
dc.descriptionCorporación de Fomento de la Producción
dc.titleSeismic Protection Technologies For Light Weight Structures

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