dc.creatorUdeC Centro de Estudios de Sistemas de Innovación
dc.descriptionThis paper, studies the link between firm growth, managerial characteristics, organizational factors, and firms’ strategic choices. For the analysis, it was considered the business activity in Chile by using two waves (2015 and 2019) of the Chilean longitudinal survey of firms (from now on ELE, from its Spanish name Encuesta Longitudinal de Empresas)
dc.descriptionThis paper studies the link between managerial background, firm organization, strategic decisions; and firm growth in an emerging economy. We focus on the Chilean productive structure using two waves (2015 and 2019) of the Chilean survey of firms. We consider three different definitions of firm growth: (1) sales, (2) employment, and (3) labor productivity. We find that the effects of the variables summarizing each of the dimensions that affect firm growth depend on the empirical measure used. Our results show that size and being managed by the firm owner, has a negative and statistically significant effect on growth. These results are robust across specifications and consistent with the previous literature. Importantly, we find that the manager’s demographic characteristics (i.e., age, gender, and schooling) do not affect firm growth. Instead, we find that firm organization and strategic decisions are the relevant variables driving firm performance. Finally, our results evidence that innovation in the productive process, investments in software and hardware, and outsourcing processes, do not negatively impact employment growth.
dc.subjectGrowth of the firm
dc.subjectEmerging economies
dc.subjectStrategic management.
dc.titleThe role of managerial background, firm organization, and strategic decisions on firm growth
dc.typeTechnical Report

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