La imagen de la Iglesia en la prensa Latinoamericana de referencia dominante durante la pandemia del Covid-19
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García Luarte, Alfredo
Artículo de publicación SCOPUS The following article seeks to identify the image of the Catholic
Church projected by the newspapers La Nacion (Argentina), La
Tercera (Chile), El Comercio (Peru), El Tiempo (Colombia), and
Exc elsior (Mexico) during the first ten months of the Covid-19
pandemic. In order to achieve this objective, a qualitative and
quantitative analysis methodology was used in the selected journalistic texts where, based on the framing method and common
places (topoi), we sought to establish the role played by the
Church and religious organizations during the health crisis. The
relevance of this study lies in the fact that it allows us to understand the way in which the press presented the actions of the
Church during the coronavirus emergency, what were the
emphases and the underlying arguments used by the media. This
contributes to the analysis of the communicative processes of the
Church in periods of crisis, processes that involve its authorities,
the faithful and society as a whole.