Oxygen vacancies in nano-sized TiO2 anatase nanoparticles
Vacantes de oxígeno en nanopartículas de anatasa Tio2 de tamaño nano
Registration in:
Solid State Ionics 339 (2019) 115009
Drozd, Valeriya S.
Zybina, Nadezhda A.
Abramova, Kristina E.
Parfenov, Mikhail Yu
Kumar, Umesh
Valdés, Héctor
Smirniotis, Panagiotis G.
Vorontsov, Alexander V.
Anatase nanoparticles containing surface oxygen vacancies (VO) and Ti3+ are of great importance for applications in photocatalysis, batteries, catalysis, sensors among other uses. The properties of VO and their dependence
on the size of nanoparticles are of great research interest and could allow obtaining advanced functional materials. In this work, a complete set of oxygen vacancies in an anatase nanoparticle of size 1.1 nm was investigated and compared to those of a twice larger nanoparticle, having the same shape and surface hydroxylation pattern. It turned out that the decrease in the size of the anatase nanoparticle strongly facilitated
creation of surface oxygen vacancies and Ti3+. After their creation, oxygen vacancies undergo three transformation paths — (1) small repulsion of surrounding Ti cations with retention of the vacancy, (2) transfer of
oxygen anion, leading to the movement of oxygen vacancy to a more stable position, and (3) collapse of oxygen
vacancy accompanied by structure deformation towards Magneli-like phase.