Factores que sesgan las expectativas docentes: hallazgos en Chile

dc.creatorBarriga, Carmen A.
dc.creatorRodríguez, Cristina
dc.creatorFerreira, Roberto A.
dc.identifierRevista Latinoamericana de Psicología (2019) 51(3), 171-180
dc.descriptionArtículo de publicación ISI
dc.descriptionIt is well-known that teacher expectations tend to be biased by factors such as student socio-economic status (SES) and gender. However, much less research has been devoted to understanding how teacher characteristics may impact their own expectations of the students. The present study investigated teacher expectations for 343 Chilean teachers (240 in-service and 103 pre-service). We first designed and validated an instrument to measure expectations; then we assessed the effect of teacher gender and experience, and student gender and school-SES in the formation of teacher expectations. The data were analysed using hypothesis and data-driven analyses. The results showed that SES had an effect on teacher expectations (2= .03 to .12); there was a higher probability that teachers from high-SES schools would have positive expectations of their students. However, negative expectations were equally distributed across teachers working in high and low-SES schools. There was also no evidence of the effect of teacher or student gender on teacher expectations. With respect to teacher experience, the findings were clear cut; both pre-service and in-service teachers shared identical expectations of their students. These findings have important implications regarding teacher training programmes since the expectation bias is observed very early during training.
dc.publisherFundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz
dc.subjectTeacher expectations
dc.subjectSocio-economic status
dc.subjectSchool SES
dc.subjectTeacher experience
dc.titleFactors that bias teacher expectations: Findings from Chile
dc.titleFactores que sesgan las expectativas docentes: hallazgos en Chile

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