dc.creatorCoasaca Céspedes, Javier Jesús
dc.creatorSegura Cobeña, Eduardo
dc.creatorMontero Taboada, Rebeca
dc.creatorGonzalez Pestana, Adriana
dc.creatorAlfaro Córdova, Eliana
dc.creatorAlfaro Shigueto, Joanna
dc.creatorMangel, Jeffrey C.
dc.identifierRevista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía Volume, 53, Issue, 3, year 2018, pages, 367-374
dc.descriptionArtículo de publicación SCOPUS
dc.descriptionThis study provides baseline information on the feeding habits of five batoid species from the genera Mobula and Myliobatis sampled from the small-scale driftnet fishery in northern Peru. The diets of Mobula mobular, Mobula munkiana and Mobula thurstoni consisted mainly of euphausiids. Dietary niche breadth indicated a pelagic feeding behaviour of a specialist and a trophic level of a secondary predator for both M. mobular and M. munkiana. In contrast, Myliobatis chilensis and Myliobatis peruvianus consumed mostly gastropods and crustaceans. Dietary niche breadth indicated a feeding behaviour of a benthic specialist and a trophic level of a secondary predator for Myliobatis chilensis.
dc.publisherRevista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía
dc.subjectFeeding habit
dc.subjectTrophic level
dc.subjectNiche breadth
dc.subjectDevil rays
dc.subjectEagle rays
dc.titlePreliminary analysis of the feeding habits of batoids from the genera Mobula and Myliobatis in Northern Peru

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