Actas de congresos
Environmental monitoring using drone images and convolutional neural networks
2018-10-31Registro en:
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v. 2018-July, p. 8941-8944.
Saõ Paulo State University
Corumbá Concessões S.A
Recently, drone images have been used in a number of applications, mainly for pollution control and surveillance purposes. In this paper, we introduce the well-known Convolutional Neural Networks in the context of environmental monitoring using drone images, and we show their robustness in real-world images obtained from uncontrolled scenarios. We consider a transfer learning-based approach and compare two neural models, i.e., VGG16 and VGG19, to distinguish four classes: water, deforesting area, forest, and buildings. The results are analyzed by experts in the field and considered pretty much reasonable.