Artículos de revistas
Equações de Predição das Exigências Protéicas para Frangos de Corte
2001-09-01Registro en:
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, v. 30, n. 5, p. 1521-1530, 2001.
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
The objective of this study was to determine prediction equations for crude protein (CP) requirements for males and females broilers using the factorial method. In order to determine the crude protein for the maintenance was used the nitrogen balance technique. The crude protein requirements for weight gain were determined based on body nitrogen content and nitrogen utilization efficiency for the diet. Considering the requirements for maintenance and weight gain were elaborated prediction equations for CP requirements (g/bird/day) for males broilers (7 to 21 days - PB = 1.323×W0.75 + 0.256×G, 22 to 42 days - PB = 1.323×W0.75 + 0.277×G, and 43 to 56 days - PB = 1.323×W0.75 + 0.283×G) and females (7 to 21 days - PB = 1.748×W0.75 + 0.258×G, 22 to 42 days - PB = 1.748×W0.75 + 0.274×G, and 43 a 56 days - PB = 1.748×W0.75 + 0.300×G) where W = body weight (kg) and G = daily weight gain (g/day). The prediction equations utilization is recommended to determine the minimal nitrogen or crude protein requirements considering the amino acid requirements.