Proposal of Methodology for Vulnerability Environmental Analysis. Case Study: Region Metropolitan de Fortaleza
BATISTA, Clístenes Teixeira
VERÍSSIMO, César Ulisses Vieira
The Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza has a great diversity of environmental components and a substantial increase in recent decades of occupation and land use and exploitation of natural resources by human activities, notably the expansion of urban settlement and mining. This diversity implies environmental different levels of capabilities and limitations of exploiting these areas to human activities. Knowledge of the environmental vulnerability of this region is important to determine the activities compatible with the natural characteristics of each area and promote action towards environmental planning. This work used two different methodologies to create a comparison chart. One is based on the relative balance ecodynamics morphogenetic Tricart (1977), and the other is based on the model proposed by Crepani et al. (2001). Both models focus the relationship between morphogenesis and pedogenesis when considering criteria directly related to erosion, such as lithology, slope, soils, the rainfall and the vegetation cover and land use. The adoption of a single model geoenvironmental zoning, based on analysis geosystems Bertrand (1977) and adapted by Souza (1988) in Ceará for the work of Brandão (1995a) allowed us to observe the differences and similarities in the results of two methods and to assess the correlation of the method proposed with reality.