Perspectives on security of international migration A proposal to face them
Perspectivas de seguridad de las migraciones internacionales una propuesta para enfrentarlas
Lara, Ana María
The increasing immigration has brought many changes and challenges for receiving countries. Migrations apparently bring with them lawlessness, which is why the receiving countries are implementing restrictive migration policies increasingly stringent for fear of the impact that immigrants may have in the workplace and in social integration. The latter covers much of this concern that has been found that xenophobia has increased, putting at risk the welfare of the host country. However, the causes for which has increased the migration should be, not necessarily to the re-production of illegal acts, but the deteriorating social and economic conditions of countries in expulsion, it’s rapid population growth, the continuing environmental degradation and the development of internal and international confl icts. Equally, countries of origin are also cautious if they return, preventing from them having a complete stability. The continuing migratory impacts have many effects on countries of origin and receipt and that is why it has become a priority item on the agenda of international politics. Los movimientos migratorios van en aumento y con ellos políticas migratorias cada vez más restrictivas y formuladas desde la perspectiva de la seguridad. Desde los acontecimientos del 2001, en la mayoría de los países, las migraciones se empiezan a percibir como un problema de seguridad, y existen en la sociedad civil y en los gobiernos, posiciones dicotómicas ante la necesidad de recibir inmigrantes y el impacto que esto produce en la seguridad social, en el mercado laboral y en la integración social.Las constantes dinámicas migratorias tienen tantos impactos como efectos en países de origen como de recepción y es por eso por lo que se ha convertido en tema prioritario de la agenda de política internacional.