Fachadas ventiladas: Reflexões sobre os aspectos relativos a sustentabilidade da NBR 15575.
Tondelo, Patricia
The choice of a particular constructive system for composing a façade implies analyzing a series of
factors related to its performance and user satisfaction. The NBR 15575 fragments the user
requirement for sustainability in three criteria expressed by the factors of durability, maintenance
and environmental impact. Within this context, the paper aims to reflect on the aspects related to
sustainability expressed by the standard NBR 15575 by means of a case study of a ventilated façade.
Among the most relevant points of the analysis, the malleability of the external coating in counterpart
with the stiffness of the internal seal, the estimation of the energy incorporated in the manufacturing
processes of the constructive subsystems and the confirmation of the potential of the constructive
system in the improvement of the thermal performance through simplified analysis.