Efectos cuánticos de tamaño en las propiedades físicas de heterojunturas semiconductoras de baja dimensionalidad de tipo III-X y II-IV
Granada Echeverri, Juan Carlos
Lozano Cetina, Julio César
Checa Cerón, Oscar Yovany
Villamil, Pablo
Silva Valencia, Jereson
Paredes Gutiérrez, Harold
Reina Estupiñan, John Henry
Vivas Moreno, José Joaquín
Beltrán Ríos, Carlos Leonardo
Calero Quintero, Jesús María
Duque Echeverri, Carlos Alberto
Montes Barahona, Augusto León
Franco Peñaloza, Roberto Emilio
Mikhailov, Ilia Davidovich
Vivas Calderón, Edgar Hernán
IP 1106-05-025-96 Incluye anexos. v.1. Efectos cuanticos de tamaño en las propiedades fisicas deheteroestructuras semiconductoras de baja dimensionalidad del tipo II-V y II-VI / Nelson Porras Montenegro, Juan Carlos Granada E. -- v.2. Efectos cuanticos de tamaño en las propiedades fisicas de heterojunturassemiconductoras de baja dimensionalidad del tipo III-V y II-VI / Ilia Davidovich Mikhailov -- v.3. Resultados de investigacion. Phys. Stat. Sol. -- Vol. 210 (1998); p. 723-729. -- Infrared transition betwen hydrogenic states in;cylindrical GaAs quantum-well wires under applied magneticfields / PabloVillamil, N. Porras Montenegro. --;210 (1998) ; p. 731-736. -- Effects of an electric field on thebinding energy of shallow hydrogenic;impurities in GaAs-(gA,Al)As quantum boxes / N. Porras Montenegro, J.C. Lozano Cetina. -- En: Phys. Stat Sol.; Vol. 210 (1998); p. 717-722. -- The effects of quantumconfinement andmagnetic fields on the binding;energy of hydrogenic impurities in low-dimensional systems/ J.J. Vivas Moreno, N. Porras Montenegro. -- En:;GaAs-Ga1-x AlxAs quantum dots / N. Porras Montenegro, H. ParedesGutierrez. -- En: Revista Colombiana de;Fisica. -- Vol. 30, no. 1 (1998); p. 113-116. -- Energiasde transicion deimpurezas donoras en hilos;cuanticosde GaAs-(Ga,Al)As bajo la accion de campos magneticosexternos /P. Villamil, N. Porras Montenegro.; En: Revista Colombiana de Fisica. -- Vol. 30, no. 1 (1998);p. 117-120.;de un campo electrico externo / C.A. Duque, N. Porras Montenegro. -- En: Revista Colombiana de Fisica. -- Vol.;28 (1996) ; p. 131-136. -- Energia de enlace de estados excitados de impurezas hidrogenoides en puntos;cuanticos esfericos de GaAs-(Ga,Al)As / C.L. Beltran Rios,N.Porras Montenegro. -- En: Revista Colombiana de;Fisica. -- Vol. 28 (1996); p. 273-276. -- Effects of an electricfield onthe wave function and on the bindin;of shallow hydrogenic impurities in GaAs-(Ga,Al)As quantumboxes/ J. C. Lozano Cetina, N. Porras Montenegro,;A. Montes. -- En: Revista Colombiana de Fisica. -- Vol. 29, no.2 (1997);p. 199-202. -- Transiciones;infrarojas entre estados hidrogemoides en un hilo cuanticodeGaAs con confinamiento infinito y seccion;transversal rectangular / A. Montes, N. Porras Montenegro.--En: RevistaColombiana de Fisica. -- Vol. 29,;no. 2 (1997) ; p. 203-206. -- Photoluminiscence spectra inGaAsmicrosystems assocaited to shallow impurities;/ C.A. Duque, N. Porras Montenegro. -- En: Revista ColombianadeFisica. -- Vol. 29, no. 2 (1997); p. 215-218;de Fisica. -- Vol. 30, no. 1 (1998); p. 109-112. -- Impurity-related photoluminiscence spectra in spherical;Effect of spatially dependent screening on the binding energyofsome excited states of donor impurity in;spherical GaAs-(Ga,Al)As quantum dots / C.L. Beltran Rios,N.Porras Montenegro. -- En: Revista Colombiana;En: Physical Review B. -- Vol. 59, no. 3 (Jan. 1999); p. 1-6051608. -- Theeffects of quantum confinement on;the binding energy of hydrogenic impurities in low dimensionalsystems / J.J. Vivas, N. Porras Montenegro. --;En: Revista Colombiana de Fisica. -- Vol. 28 (1996); p. 11415838.'-- Influence of applied electric field on;the energy of the ground state in GaAs-(Ga,Al)As quantum boxes/J.C. Lozano, N. Porras Montenegro. -- En:;Revista Colombiana de Fisica. -- Vol. 28 (1996) ; p. 119-122.--The roleof applied electric fields on the;binding energies shallow donor impurities in GaAs quantum-wellwires / A.Montes, C.A. Duque, N. Porras;Montenegro. -- En: Revista Colombiana de Fisica. -- Vol. 28 (1996); p. 123-126. -- The role of applied;magnetic fields on the binding energy of excited states ofhydrogenic impurities in cylindrical GaAs-(Ga,Al)As;quantum-well wires / P. Villamil, N. Porras Montenegro. --En:Revista Colombiana de fisica. -- Vol. 28 (1996); p. 127-130. -- Estados de impurezas donadoras en sistemadebaja dimensionalidad de GaAs bajo el efecto;1997) p. 206-210. -- Photoluminescense spectra associatedto shallow acceptors in GaAs-Ga1-xAlxAs quantum dots;/ H. Paredes Gutierrez, J. Silva Valencia, Nelson Porras Montenegro. -- En: Brazilian Journal of Physics. --;Vol. 27/A, no. 4 (dic. 1997); p. 248-251. -- Green functions andpower spectra of local magnetoplasmon modes;in superlattices with broken translational symmetry / J.H.ReinaEstupiñan, J.C. Granada. -- En: Brazilian;Journal of Physics. -- Vol. 27, no. 4 (dic. 1997); p. 276-280.-'- Superconducting fluctuations for;three-dimensional anisotropic superconductors in the presenceofa magnetic field with arbitrary direction /;J.M. Calero, J.C. Granada. En: Physical Review B. -- Vol.56 ,no. 10 (sep.1997); p. 1-6. -- Impurity-related;optical-absorption spectra in GaAs-Ga1-xAlxAs superlattices withan in-plane magnetic field / J. Silva;Valencia, Nelson Porras Montenegro. -- En: Physycal Review. --Vol. 58, no. 4 (jul. 1998); p. 2094-2101. --;Theoretical modeling of the photoluminicence spectra associatedwith free-carrier to acceptor-impurity;recombination in quantum-size GaAs wire crystals / C.A. Duque,Nelson Porras Montenegro, A. Latge, L.E.;Oliveira. -- En: Journal of Applied Physics. -- Vol. 83, no. 11(jun. 1998); p. 6199-6201. -- Electric field;effects on states of donor impurity in rectangular cross-sectionvacuum/GaAs/vacuum quantum-well wires. -- En:;acceptor-related photoluminescence spectra of doped coupled-wellsuperlattices / N. Porras Montenegro,;M. de Dios Leyva. -- En: Phys. Stat. Sol. -- Vol. 210 (1998) ;p. 655-659.'-- Binding energy of ground and;firts few wxcited states of shallow-donor impuriry in rectangular-cross-sectional area GaAs quantum-well wires;under applied electric fields / A. Montes, C.A. Duque, N.PorrasMontenegro. -- En: Phys. Stat. Sol. -- Vol.;ARTICULO(S) EN REVISTA: Excited states and infrared transitionenergies ofa donor impurity in a disc-shaped;GaAs quantum dot under the action of an applied magnetic field/Pablo Villamil, Nelson Porras Montenegro.; En: Journal of Physics. -- Vol. 11, no 48 (dic. 1999) ;p.9723-9730. -'- Density of impurity states and;donor-related optical absorption spectra of GaAs-(Ga,Al)Assemiconductor heterostructures / C.A. Duque, A.;Montes, Nelson Porras, L.E. Oliveira. -- En: Journal of Physics. -- Vol.32 (1999) ; p. 3111-3116. --;Theoretical study of the density of shallow-acceptor impuritystates in quantum-size GaAs microcrystals /;C.A. Duque, A. Montes, Nelson Porras, L.E. Oliveira. -- En: SemiconductorScience and Technology. -- Vol. 14;(1999); p. 496-500. -- Internal transitions of confined magnetoexcitons inGaAs-(Ga,Al)As quantum wells / C.;Duque, C.L. Beltran, A. Montes, N. Porras Montenegro, L. Oliveira. -- En:Physical Review. -- Vol. 61; no.15;(1999); p. 9936-9939. -- Intradonor absorption spectra under external fields in quantum wells / A. Latge,;Nelson Porras, M. de Dios Leyva, L.E. Olivera. -- En: PhysicalReview. --Vol. 53, no. 15 (1996); p.;10160-10166. -- Local magnetoplasmon modes of a semiconductorsuperlatticewith broken translation symmetry /;J. Granada E. -- En: Brazilian Journal of Physics. -- Vol.26no. 1 (mar.1996); 2 p. -- Effects of applied;electric fields on infrared transitions between hydrogenicstates in GaAslow-dimensional systems / C.A.;Duque, A.L. Morales, A. Montes. -- En: Physical Review. --Vol.55, no. 16(abr. 1997); p. 10721-10728. --;Effects of an applied electric field on the binding energyofshallow donor impurities in GaAs low-dimensional;Systems / C. A. Duque, A Montes, A. L. Morales, Nelson Porras-Montenegro.En: Physical Review. -- Vol. 9, no.;27 (jul 1997); p. 5977-5987. -- Impurity excited states inGaAslow dimensional system under applied electric;fields / C.A. Duque, Nelson Porras Montenegro. -- En: BrazilianJournal ofPhysics. -- Vol. 27, no. 4 (dic.; Vol. 84, no. 2 (jul. 1998); p. 1-5. -- Density of Shallow-donor impurity states in rectangular cross;section GaAs quantum-well wires under applied electric field /A. Montes,C.A. Duque, N. Porras Montenegro. --;En: J. Phys. : Condens. -- Vol. 10 (1998) ; p. 5351-5358.'-- effects of in'-plane magnetic fields On the;Journal of Applied Physics / A. Montes, C.A. Duque, N. PorrasMontenegro.'-- en: Journal of Applied Physics.